Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Final Portfolio

We had our final critique last night. It lasted 4 hours because we had to go through everyone's portfolios. It's quite interesting looking at someone's work as a cohesive body. Often, you can pick up on specific styles that the person has, but that was not the case with mine. :) All that my professor had to say about it was that it was fairly "fresh" and technically well done. I took this as a compliment because I really haven't found a style yet. What's interesting, however, is that at the end of last semester, my Two-Dimensional Design professor said the exact same thing about my work, except in that case I was cutting and pasting paper cutouts. Oh well, huh? The way I figure it, I have plenty of time and lots more classes to figure out what I want to do with photography, so in the meantime, I'll just keep trying to make good, fresh prints.

P.S. Please excuse the duplicates, I decided to upload some of them again just to have the full body of work together.

Final Portfolio

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My most recent work in the dark room.  Trust me when I tell you that this took a long time.